Heal to Grow Masterclass 

Being in business brings up all our old childhood wounds…

These wounds, when left unhealed, can cause limiting beliefs that stop us from taking the action we know we need to take. 

It's time to heal them so we can grow.



In praise of this masterclass (Formerly entitled 'Evolution Over Ego'):


"Life changing"

"Amazing and powerful"

"Healing my inner child is so key for me"

"This [the guided healing] was so enlightening"

"Betty's masterclass is so packed full of value, I keep coming back to it"

An illuminating, practical & healing experience

This masterclass might be a perfect fit for you if:


You’re a highly-skilled, creative, service provider who knows they are here to make a big difference in the world


You have a frustrating tendency to fall into procrastination & ‘hiding’; i.e. doing the busy-work instead the thing you know deep down will bring you the clients


You know WHAT to do, you just can't seem to bring yourself to actually DO IT and stick at it.


You have a tendency to feel scatty, confused & disorganised


You have taken numerous courses and worked with coaches - but struggle to put the plan into action and stay consistent; e.g. when the moment comes to take action you mysteriously get distracted.


Despite being an expert in your field, you feel scared of saying the wrong thing & agonise for hours about whether you ‘got it right’ ; maybe even deleting posts in the middle of the night


You know you offer a valuable service and really should raise your prices; but you just can’t bring yourself to do it


You are determined to do what it takes to make your business as impactful as you know it could be. 


You like me & resonate with my content and overall vibe

This masterclass might NOT be a perfect fit for you if:


You are not having any issues showing up consistently, & working the plan to grow your business – if that's the case: you got this, keep going! 👏 


You are not at all open to the concept of subconscious resistance / inner child healing

Sometimes in business (and life!) we work so hard - and make so little progress. 

Or perhaps we just can't seem to bring ourselves to do.the.damn.work. . . !

We know what to do – but it can often feel like there is something stopping us from doing it. 

We end up getting distracted and doing something –anything– else!; tinkering on our website, or creating a brand new offering. . . instead of consistently promoting the tried & tested thing that will bring in the money, results & impact we desire.

It’s confusing, frustrating, and exhausting.

We feel like there is something wrong with us. Like; 

“Why can’t I simply make a plan & stick to it?!” 

“Why can't I say what I want to say?!”

It seems so easy on paper, and yet consistent inspired action seemingly eludes us, time and again.

We feel 'blocked' and we don't know why.
So, what the hell is going on?. . .

Could it be…

we don’t actually want it to work…? 😬

A shocking idea, I know.

But there's likely a very good reason for it…


And that reason usually runs something like this:

1. It's not SAFE

2. I don't deserve it

3. I'm not _____ enough to be _____.


Whichever you uncover, the good news is this: these ideas are simply beliefs.


And, contrary to popular opinion, beliefs can, quite easily & quickly, be rewired.


In this masterclass I will tell you how to do just that, so that you can bring your subconscious on-side; working with it -and not against it- to make your wildest dreams come true!


The answer lies in healing.

During this 90-minute masterclass you will:

- Tune in to YOUR greatest vision of what you'd create & how you might impact the world - on your terms - if you truly felt free from limitations.

- Learn about sabotaging subconscious limiting beliefs & blocks, uncover some of yours; and take away a handful of helpful tools for rewiring them.

- Experience an inner child healing; placing the adult you firmly in control of your life, enabling you to do what you say you want to do (i.e. market your business!)

"I'm not someone who goes to masterclass & does the homework...

but, I've been doing your exercises and your work penetrates!"

- Joanne

Hi, I'm Betty

I always felt inspired to reach great heights, even as a child.

I knew that's what I wanted, but success didn't feel available, somehow... Not for someone "like me".

So, I spent my younger years as a 'dropout'; backpacking in India, waitressing, performing, touring in bands, teaching English; doing my best (and for the most part succeeding!) to prove the old adage money doesn't buy you happiness .

I was always fascinated by the mind and spirituality;

Since my late teens I was obsessed with self-enquiry, and read everything I could get my hands on in an attempt to understand the mind, relationships, and... what it means to be human.

After meeting my love, Rob, and having our daughters - still pretty broke, and suddenly faced by the reality of 'settling down' with no meaningful career to support us - we started to think about how we could turn our situation around. We both read the book 'Secrets of a Millionaire Mind' by T. Harv Eker and found ourselves slowly beginning to ask 'what if...?'

Enter Marisa Peer.

In 2019 we dug deep and I trained in her method; Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), a powerful healing modality that accesses the subconscious via hypnosis, with rapid and dramatic results that, quite frankly, blew my mind; changing everything I thought I knew.

Experiencing the power, efficacy, and speed of this method, and inspired by stories of great practitioners, both in the world of business and in my own religion of Tibetan Buddhism; I was moved to ask myself this question:

'How could I harness the power of this method for greatest good in the world?'

The answer was plain to me:

"Revolutionise business. Empower decent, dedicated people; heart-centred, spiritually-minded entrepreneurs; to liberate self-doubt & limiting beliefs, get out their own way and TRUST their biggest vision, so that they may grow their businesses, impact more people, and thus contribute to birthing a new earth. "

And now, I'm proud to say that's what I'm doing.

I bloody love it- and, crucially- my clients do too.